Benefits of Penis Pumping

Penis pumping is by far the most enjoyable penis enlargement practice available to us men.

How to Make your Penis Bigger

I would say edging is quit enjoyable too however for most dudes its a slippery slope into porn addiction.

Whereas the benefits of penis pumping in its passive approach makes it super easy.

Without throwing any extra stimuli into the mix!

All you got to do is….

Sit on the couch and let your penis size grow in the cylinder in a passive fashion.

And watch it expand!

Penis pumping is a technique that involves using a vacuum device to create a vacuum around the penis.

This draws blood into the spongy tissue of the penis.

And causes it to become erect.

Benefits of penis pumping is primarily to treat erectile dysfunction along with other issues.

However we e in the penis enlargement realm have found it to be an excellent tool to create growth.

History of Penis Pumping

The use of vacuum devices to treat erectile dysfunction has a long history dating back to ancient times.

However, the modern penis pump.

As we know it today, was first invented in the early 20th century.

In 1917, a physician named Otto Lederer developed the first vacuum pump for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

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His device consisted of a glass cylinder that was placed over the penis.

Providing the benefits of penis pumping way back then.

And a hand pump that was used to create a vacuum inside the cylinder.

The vacuum drew blood into the penis, causing it to become erect.

In the 1970s, the use of vacuum pumps for the treatment of erectile dysfunction became a lot more widespread.

One of the first commercially available vacuum pumps was the Osbon ErecAid system.

Which was introduced in 1983.

This device consisted of a plastic cylinder, a hand pump.

And a tension ring that was placed around the base of the penis to maintain the erection.

Since then, there have been many advancements in the design and technology of penis pumps.

Providing even more benefits of penis pumping!

Today, there are a variety of vacuum devices available on the market.

Including manual pumps, battery-operated pumps.

And even smart pumps that can be controlled with a smartphone.

Some pumps also come with accessories.

Such as different-sized cylinders or tension bands.

To accommodate different penis sizes.

Always be sure to get the best one for your current size!

Why Penis Pump?

Penis pumping benefits are quite vast.

We’ll go over a few here.

Improved Erectile Function: The primary benefit of penis pumping is that it can help men with erectile dysfunction achieve and maintain an erection.

By creating a vacuum around the penis, blood is drawn into the erectile tissue, causing the penis to become engorged and erect.

This can help men who are unable to achieve or maintain an erection through other means.

Such as oral medications or injections.

Improved Sexual Satisfaction: In addition to improving erectile function, some people report that penis pumping can also improve sexual satisfaction.


By increasing blood flow to the penis, the penis can become more sensitive.

Which can enhance sexual pleasure for both partners.

Potential Penis Enlargement: Some people use penis pumping as a technique for penis enlargement.

While the scientific evidence supporting the use of penis pumping for penis enlargement is limited and often conflicting.

In my experience I found penis pumping to increase the size of my girth along with many other dudes.

Check out this study of how many dudes post-prostatectomy were able to preserve and or increase penis size.

Photo Credit: kodidistributing,com

Improved Self-Confidence: For some men, using a penis pump can help improve their self-confidence and self-esteem.

By being able to achieve and maintain an erection.

They may feel more confident in their ability to perform sexually and in their overall sexual health.

And myself included I found my confidence definitely went up with the improved flaccid size.

And the improved erect girth!

Can it Help with Erectile Difficulties?

Penis pumping can be an effective treatment for erectile difficulties.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects many men, especially as they age.

It is characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity.

Penis pumps are a non-invasive and relatively low-risk treatment option for erectile dysfunction.

They are often recommended as a first-line treatment for ED.

Particularly in men who cannot use oral medications due to medical reasons.

Or who do not want to use them for personal reasons.

However, it’s important to note that penis pumping may not be effective for all men with erectile dysfunction.

The degree of effectiveness may depend on factors such as the severity of the ED.

The underlying cause, and other medical conditions or medications that a person is taking.

Will it Make your Flaccid Penis Bigger

In my experience I have found that penis pumping has definitely increase the size of my flaccid hang.


If you are looking to increase the size of your flaccid penis pumping as a stand alone exercise.

Can definitely do the trick.

Pumping as we already know will force your penis to expand.

The beauty of that is that this expansion will draw in more blood than just your average boner!

Which will lead to a bigger expansion of the penis than normal.

This is what will lead to it hanging lower all day.

Try to combine this with a cock ring and you will find that your flaccid hang will be a lot longer.

But with the cock ring it will be a whole lot bigger as well!


Over time if you continue this practice you will see an increase in overall penis size.

Like any dude I want my flaccid to hang heavier and longer all day.

However at this time Im focused on penis hanging.

But I still do a very simple maintenance routine of 20 minute pump in the morning.

And a 20 minute pump before I go to sleep.

Which helps to maintain the bigger flaccid hang.

Can you Combine Penis Pumping with Other PE Techniques?

Not only can you, but you totally should brother!

One of the easiest ways to maximize your size and growth is by combining exercises.

If you are doing a manual routine.

That only involves Jelqs and stretches.

You could throw in a few sets of penis pumping post workout.

And if it is a hydro pump it can act as your warm down.

Or if you are clamping.


You can do your full workout regimen.

Followed by a couple of pump sets to truly maximize your gains.

Salt on a cock ring post workout and you are bound to increase your girth.

And as mentioned before I continue to focus on hanging.

However I still pump post workout and love the feeling of my penis expanding beyond its regular size.

Leading to a bigger flaccid hang.

And because I got my penis hanging workout in prior to pumping.

It hangs a lot lower than usual!

Permanent Gains From Penis Pumping

The most common question I get in my DM’s is how long will it take for me to see permanent gains?


Which is an entirely valid question!

If you are a newbie who just started a penis enlargement routine.

You may begin to see permanent growth in as little as a few weeks.


Because your body is adapting to the new stimulus you have just put on it.

The same way your body adjusts to the new stimulus in the gym.

Resulting in faster muscle growth.

However over time your body will adapt and the grow will slow down.

This is where we hit a plateau.

And where we need to up the ante with progressive overload somehow.

In my case I wasn’t new to PE at all.

But I was looking to increase girth, I had already gained half an inch.

But wanted to get to 6 inches in girth.

So I began pumping and combined that with clamping.

Used a cock ring post workout.

And that whole process took me about a year and a bit.

For most guys to see positive change it can take less.

And for other dudes it can take more.

Also make sure you get the right sized cylinder.

Different types of Penis Pumps

There are two main types of Penis Pumps.

The most common is the air pump.

The LeLuv, LA Pump and the Joel Kaplan pump are all great examples of the air pump.

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And then there are the water pumps.

The water pump works the same as the air pumps but uses water being pulled out of the pump.

To create the vacuum which forces the penis to expand.

The two most common hydro pumps are the Bathmate and the Penomet.

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The beauty of these two devices is that they use warm water.

Which leads to further expansion of the penile tissue.

Nice warm water will lead to even more expansion and it will happen a lot faster.

Which is why you can use these types of pumps as your warm down or warm up.

Before or after your penis enlargement workout.

Also be sure to check out the hybrid model.

The MITYVAC model available at

Photo Credit:

By far the most innovative and the king Hybrid pump!


Regardless of what your goals might be.

Penis pumping can be beneficial for most men.

A great way to keep your cock in tip top shape.

Is to train it via penis pumping.

All it takes is a couple sets per day.

And if you are looking to get more out of it, you will have to invest more time.

But the rewards are well worth it are you willing to give penis pumping a go?