Mens Physique 13 Weeks Out

13 weeks out I felt great unstoppable to say the least!

Was I depleted or tired?

Not really!


I felt like this was going to be easy money.

And in my mind I honestly thought that I would be exactly where I wanted to be in about 10 weeks.

And boy was I ever off the target.

Bro, looking back in retrospect I realized just how off I was.

And how I could of really capitalized on this time so much better.

But that’s why Im writing this article!

To capture exactly where I went wrong.

And so we can all learn something from my blunders.

Stats at 13 Weeks Out

By the end of the week I had reached 192.6 pounds.

And I was ecstatic!

Im not gonna lie I felt absolutely awesome.

Just a mont ago I was about 205.


But February 4th I had weighed in at a beautiful 193 pounds and then got a little too comfortable.


I figured the rest of the cut was gonna be this easy.

I stalled hard for the next month (4 weeks really).

And it played all kinds of mind games on me.

We’ll go deep into that in the next chapter of my cut….

Measurements and Physique Update

At this time I had a 36 inch waist which I was actually quite happy about.

When I started my pre prep cut back in December my waist was a girthy 38 inches I think.

We all store fat differently and for myself I store almost all of it in my love handles.

Like all of it!!

A little bit on the lower abs but mainly all in the lower back region.

So this is the only stat I really paid attention too.

I honestly didn’t really care about anything else but the waist.

And I always measure around the waist/love handle region as visually this is what matters most in Mens Physique.

Tiny waist.

Big Lats.

And some big ass shoulders.

And of course crazy conditioning.

Diet at 13 Weeks Out

I brought my calories down to 2000 calories.

My protein stayed stable for the most part at 170 to 180 grams.

I went heavier with the carb in take at the front of the week.

I guess I must of been feeling kind of tired then.

And I did feel that it helped fuel my workouts a lot better.

Carbs up until Wednesday were around 200 grams.

Thursday to Saturday were much lower.


Protein remained the same and the fat also increased.

For the most part of this prep the first meal of the day consisted of egg whites and eggs.

Next meal usually steak or chicken breast.

And in the evening I would honestly eat egg whites again for the most part.

Just because I was lazy and they are quick and easy to make.

Mix egg whites with salsa and you’ll feel like your eating something delicious.

At night I also found that I would eat a lot of tuna as well.

Same reasons its quick and easy to make.

I would use mayo on my low carb days.

And on my high carb days I would usually mix the tuna with lemon or vinegar.

Mix it up with some onions, green pepper, and some hot sauce.

And BAM!

You got a tuna ceviche wannabe meal that tastes delicious.

Hits hard and is low in calories!


At this time I was rolling hard with my pre workout habit.

Still on that ghost Pre Workout I was loving life and I felt great.


Honestly 2000 calories and sleeping OK for the most part.

Life was not that hard….

I was still pretty flabby so my body had a lot of stored energy to pull from.

But that being said mix that with Pre Workout.

And you’ll feel like a million bucks.

The only other supplements I was taking at the time (I forgot to mention this last time).

Was the Costco Proteins Chocolate Whey Gourmet and Lean Fit Vanilla protein.

The chocolate whey gourmet was always used with my oatmeal and my guy!!!

That has to be one of the best things you can possibly taste during prep.

It was chocolate goodness mixed with oatmeal.

Absolutely loved it!

And it was pretty good on its own too.

The Vanilla was clumpy and not as good.

Chocolate absolute fire the Lean Fit Vanilla was not bad…..

I was also taking multivitamins along with Magnesium, B12, Moringa, and Zinc.

Along with some Fish Oils

The Workout at 13 Weeks Out

Days 1 to 5

  • Day 1 – Chest
  • Day 2 – Back
  • Day 3 – Legs/Core
  • Day 4 – Shoulders
  • Day 5 – Arms

I honestly did not change anything.

The only thing I did find myself doing more at this time was more supersets.

Still using the barbell and dumbbells more than anything.

I was also still hitting the compound movements hard.

The whole purpose of these workouts was to preserve as much muscle tissue as possible.

By forcing it to go through these tough heavy workouts.

Again at this time my strength was pretty much intact I felt great.

Pre workout helped.

I felt no losses.

Maybe a couple reps lost.

But, nothing major….

Not Yet…..

Cardio Workout

My cardio was about 30 minutes a day.

I was going pretty hard on the stepmaster as it was my go to form of cardio.

Its the one that forced me to sweat the most.

And honestly I kind of enjoy it.

And yes sometimes I lean on the machine.

Im not gonna lie…..

But even then it really forced me to work.

My Legs were always on fire.

I would alternate between this and incline walking on the treadmill at level 3.5 to 4 in speed.

And the incline at around 5.

Sometimes I would bump it up to 10.

I like running but I did absolutely none on prep as I want to preserve as much of my energy as I could.

So I focused on my weight lifting sessions.

And kept cardio to 30 to 45 minutes (if I had time.)

Observations at 13 Weeks Out

Honestly this stage was the the last of the easiness.

Weeks 12 to 8 were a blur and honestly the biggest mind game I could of played on myself.

The body dysmorphia came in.

The lack of weight loss.

You’ll see…….

But 13 weeks out…

This was a breeze and a very successful week.

I felt really good my body was working with me.

Couldn’t of asked for an easier second week.

Closing Thoughts

13 weeks out felt as though I was going to have more than enough time.

Even though I had done all the research.

And knew all about how the body worked.

I figured I would stay on this linear path.

The next few month I literally had to do battle with my body.

But its also what made this journey so worthwhile!